TELEPHONENUMBER: +302310530744




CO- Owner of law office CSLAW.

Graduate of Law School of Democritus University of Thrace.

Lawyer, Member of the Bar of Thessaloniki.

Graduate of the Master Program in the field of Criminal Sciences, by the Law School of Democritus University of Thrace.

Specialized, with a great working experience in studying titles, research of shares and burdens, documents, notings and expungements in Mortgage registries and Cadastral Surveys, and in studying cadastral survey’s cases (initial documents, manifest errors, cadastral survey actions).

She had worked as an external partner of the former limited bank company, named as “Tachidromiko Tamieftirio A.E”.

Specialization Fields: Law of Property, Inheritance Law and Family Law.

Graduate of History and Ethnology Department of Democritus University of Thrace.